Session A – Opening
The Proposal for a Directive on Soil Monitoring and Resilience A directive on Soil Monitoring and Resilience – opportunities and challenges for the Nordic countries. Åsa Valley, The Environmental Protection Agency,Sweden
A directive on Soil Monitoring and Resilience – opportunities and challenges for the Nordic countries.
Jussi Reinikainen, Finnish Environment Institute, Finland
Kristin Kröyer, The environmental Agency, Iceland
Maiken Lundstad Nielsen, Ministry of the Environment, Denmark
Noman Ahmed, Environment Agency, Norway
Åsa Valley, The Environmental Protection Agency, Sweden
Session B – PFAS
The PFAS Challenge: What We Have Learned and Where We are Going. Charles J. Newell (GSI Environmental Inc. USA)
Stabilization of PFAS in unsaturated and saturated zones using coal and charcoal based activated carbon sorbents. Dan Berggren Kleja (SGI, Sweden)
Remediation of PFAS in soil by soil washing and surface active foam fractionation. Julie K. Jensen (Norrecco, Denmark)
Session C – Sediment
Sustainable recycling of dredged sediments. Paul Sverdrup Cappelen (NGI, Norway)
SEDKE Project: Enhancing the Sustainability of Sediment Remediation. Arto Itkonen (Sitowise, Finland)
Thin-layer capping with reactive sorbents – a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable alternative to dredging of polluted sediment, project CAPTIVE in Oskarshamn. Jonas Gunnarsson (Stockholms universitet, Sweden)
Field inventory of polluted sediments in Sweden. Tobias Porsbring (SGI, Sweden), Clara Neuschütz (Naturvårdsverket, Sweden)
Session D – Soil investigations
The contaminated land industry in Iceland – where do we stand and where are we heading? Erla Hafsteinsdottir (Verkis Iceland, Iceland)
Use of direct-push logging and fluorescence techniques for contaminant mass discharge estimation: application to a sulfonamide plume. Mette M. Broholm (DTU, Denmark)
Identifying the source of TCE contamination in a deep aquifer. Morten Hjorth (Nordiq Group A/S, Denmark)
Session E – Indoor air
Mass Discharge Testing at Vapor Intrusion Sites – New Revelations. Trine Skov Jepsen (DMR A/S, Denmark)
Identification of new preferential pathways for vapor intrusion of chlorinated solvents found by combining VaporSafeTM and detection dogs. Julia Inkapööl (WSP, Sweden)
PFAS in air – A new matrix to consider? Patrick van Hees (Eurofins, Sweden)
Test building for simulating VOC vapor intrusion to indoor air in Hanasaari, Helsinki. Oona Virta (Ramboll, Finland)
Session F – Riskassessment
Risk assessment and remediation of Mega Sites: Prospects and challenges in a Danish perspective? Poul Løgstrup Bjerg, (DTU, Denmark)
Risk assessment of a chlorinated ethenes plume influenced by source and barrier reme-diation – evaluation of degradation using an integrated approach. Ida Dyrlund Damgaard (Central Region Denmark, Denmark)
Risk assessment of PFAS findings in groundwater: An approach based on data trends from 1500 small industrial sites. TCE contamination in a deep aquifer. Bolette Badsberg Jensen (WSP, Denmark)
Session G – Sustainability
Novel Sustainability Scoring Method for Soil Remediation Technologies. Jean Rhoné (Haemers Technologies, Belgium)
The need for sustainable PFAS remediation; comparing the environmental impact in situ sequestration to pump and treat.Jack Shore (Regenesis, UK)
Utilizing Plant Operational Data for Assessing the CO2 Footprint of Pump and Treat Remediation: A Comprehensive Bench-marking Approach.Krzysztof Kowalski (Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark)
Remediation of shooting range soil by means of mine tailings: Dealing with the challenge of co-contamination.Salla Venäläinen (Soilventure Oy, Finland)
Session H – Digital tools
SGF’s tool for Carbon footprint. Peter Harms-Ringdahl (EnviFix, Sweden)
Insight into the role of numerical groundwater modelling in optimization of PFAS-contaminant remediation: Experience from a governmental assignment in-situ pilot study. Robert Earon (SGI, Sweden)
Modelling PFAS transport in groundwater accounting for competitive sorption. Fritjof Fagerlund (Uppsala Universitet, Sweden)
Large-scale sustainable mass handling and remediation of polluted ground during the excavation of the new hospital in Drammen.Anny Qvale (WSP, Norway)
Session I – Sediment and surface water
The future challenges and opportunities of sustainable environ-mental risk management. Jenni Haapaniemi (Sitowise, Finland)
Microbial degradation of fiberbanks and dispersion of contaminants through gas discharge. Paul Frogner Kockum (SGI, Sweden)
Microplastics in the Norwegian environment. Vanja Alling (Niva, Norway)
Session J – Contaminants of emerging concern
Bioremediation of PFAS: Advancing the insight on microbes involved in PFAS degradation. Nicola Messinger (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Assessing the fate of chlorinated ethenes and pharmaceutical compounds in a large-scale contaminant plume via microbial and isotope analyses. Cecilie F. Ottosen (DTU, Denmark)
Exploring the next threat in environmental monitoring. Morten Jartun (Niva, Norway)
Emerging contaminants – new-old challenges for circular use of soils and other construction and demolition wastes.Martijn van Praagh (SGI, Sweden)
Session K – Soil and concrete as a resource
Network for Sustainable Soil Management -how does a multi-disciplinary network across interests and stakeholders contri-bute to an increased circular use of Soil. Jens A Bischoff (WSP, Denmark)
Sustainable Mass Management in Norr-köping: A Strategic Approach. Martin Heljedal, Elke Myrhede (Municip. of Norrköping, Sweden)
Swedish guidelines for recycling of excavated soil and other bulk materials. Mats Fröberg (Naturvårdsverket, Sweden) Swedish
Reuse of lime and cement stabilized clay: Geochemical and geotechnical challenges. Caroline Berge Hansen (NGI, Norway)
Session L – PFAS
An overview of remediation techniques for removal of PFASs in soil and water. Lutz Ahrens (SLU, Sweden)
State of the Art for PFAS-impacted Soils. What are the Available Remediation Technologies? Jan Haemers (Haemers Technology, Belgium)
Assessing phytoremediation integrated in a treatment train for PFAS contaminated groundwater. Oscar Skirfors (SLU, Sweden)
Impact of Sea Spray Aerosols as a Diffuse PFAS Load on Soil, Surface Water and Groundwater. Søren Rygaard Lenschow (NIRAS, Denmark)
Session M – Remediation – Soil and groundwater
ISCO-ISS for Remediation of TCE Source Area Achieving Clean Up Goals within One Week of Application. Petter Wetterholm (Wescon, Sweden)
Optimizing pump flow rates in pump-and-treat remediation systems using IoT-based modeling. Andreas Sahyoun Sørensen (WSP, Denmark)
Fractured Rock – Treatment of Igneous and Metamorphic Bedrocks Using Thermal Conductive Heating. Søren Eriksen (Krüger, Denmark)
Biogeochemically Enhanced Treatment of Chlorinated Organics and Metals. Josephine Molin (Evonik Corporation, USA)
Session N – Management
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s work with a socio-economic impact assessment of generic guideline values for PFAS. Björn Johansson och Niclas Johansson (Naturvårdsverket, Sweden)
Experience and reflections from work under six different legislations. Johanna Moreskog (Ramboll, Sweden)
Translating Science from Lab to Field: Case Mine Tailings as a Remediation Agent. Aura Nousiainen (SYKE, Finland)
Remediating Sala Silver Mine and Pråmån after more than 450 years of mining activities. Michael Nilsson (Municipality of Sala, Sweden
Session O – Sustainability
Soil health – Does it apply to polluted soils? Erik J. Joner (Nibio, Norway)
Quantifying biodiversity impact to achieve sustainable remediations.. Hanna Almqvist (WSP, Sweden)