Instructions for submitting short papers to proceedings – NORDROCS 2016

Download template: click here!

Please use these guidelines for formatting your short paper:

Font Arial, 11 points
Title Capital letters, bold, centered text. Leave one empty line after the title.
Author list First name and last name, centered text. Leave one empty line after the author list. All relevant authors should be listed. Mark the speakers name with bold.
Affiliation Name of affiliation, address and country. Centered text.
e-mail The e-mail address of the presenting author. Centered text. Leave one empty line after e-mail address.
Main text and subtitles Text is to be divided into following subtitles: Abstract, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion.

The subtitle should be aligned at the left. Leave one empty line after the title. The main text should be equalized. Leave one empty line after each paragraph. Leave two empty lines before the next title.

The paper should not exceed 4 pages. The lay out of the text and further instructions can be found from the template.

The proceedings will be printed in black/white.

Deadline for submission is July 30, 2016. Please submit your paper to nordrocs2016(at)! Write “short paper” to the topic field of the email, and please name your paper as Lastname_shortpaper.pdf

Poster instructions:

Short papers are not required for those having a poster at the conference. The submitted abstracts are printed in the proceedings. Poster instructions: The size of the poster wall is changed to 80 x 120 cm. If you have already printed your poster to 120 x 120 cm, please contact nordrocs2016(at)  Unigrafia offers a printing service for posters and posters can be ordered to the conference building at Otakaari 1. Printing, prices and more information are available from the link: Unigrafia.