A: Investigation – of soil and groundwater

  1. New/improved sampling techniques
  2. Characterization of fractured aquifers
  3. Pre-remedial investigation design
  4. Baseline reports under the Industrial Emission Directive (IED)

B: Risk assessment – of soil and groundwater

  1. Integrated modeling
  2. Use of passive samplers in risk assessments
  3. Heavy metal polluted top soils and effect to food security
  4. Biotic and abiotic degradation processes/distinction
  5. Documentation of degradation (biotic and/or abiotic)
  6. Transport in fractured media
  7. Climate changes – and influence on soil and groundwater pollution

C: Remediation – of soil and groundwater

  1. Innovative techniques
  2. From lab to field – lab scale approaches to soil, sediment and GW remediation
  3. Determination of degradation rates
  4. Monitored natural attenuation
  5. Geotechnical assessments in remediation projects

D: Contaminated sediments – risk assessments and remediation

  1. Investigation of contaminated sediments
  2. Risk assessments of contaminated sediments
  3. Remediation of contaminated sediments
  4. Differences in practices and implementation between the Nordic countries?
  5. Fresh or saltwater

E: Surface water – interaction from soil, sediment and groundwater

  1. Adverse effects on groundwater and surface water quality)
  2. Multiple stressors
  3. Ecological effects of contamination

F: Sustainability

  1. Sustainability in remediation
  2. Sustainable assessment tools
  3. Soils and soil microbe role in ecosystem services
  4. Good enough, acceptable risks regarding health and environment without overdoing it…

G: Reuse / Recycling

  1. Physical planning and contaminated land management (zoning)
  2. How to manage a surplus of excavated soil (contaminated soil management)
  3. Reuse of contaminated soil and other waste

H: Management

  1. Public communication
  2. Stakeholder engagement
  3. Digitalization in contaminated land management (databases, public access)
  4. Smart regulatory (permit, etc.) approaches to CLM (Contaminated Land Management)

I: Innovative monitoring

  1. Flux Measurements and determination
  2. Drones and camera – characterization of contaminant, surface waters, soil etc.
  3. Phytoscreening
  4. Geophysical characterization of contaminant distribution. Stable isotope techniques
  5. Molecular biology techniques

J: Indoor air – investigation, risk and remediation

  1. Investigation and remediation
  2. Risk assessments
  3. Radon

Special contaminants in combination with topics A – J:

PFOS / PFAS; Chlorinated solvents; Pesticides; Heavy metals; BTEX / hydrocarbon; Tar/PAH; Microplastics; Nanoparticles.


Short course

On September 3 a short course/workshop can be arranged in connection with the conference. Suggestions for theme or topics are most welcome.