A: Investigation – of soil and groundwater
- New/improved sampling techniques
- Characterization of fractured aquifers
- Pre-remedial investigation design
- Baseline reports under the Industrial Emission Directive (IED)
B: Risk assessment – of soil and groundwater
- Integrated modeling
- Use of passive samplers in risk assessments
- Heavy metal polluted top soils and effect to food security
- Biotic and abiotic degradation processes/distinction
- Documentation of degradation (biotic and/or abiotic)
- Transport in fractured media
- Climate changes – and influence on soil and groundwater pollution
C: Remediation – of soil and groundwater
- Innovative techniques
- From lab to field – lab scale approaches to soil, sediment and GW remediation
- Determination of degradation rates
- Monitored natural attenuation
- Geotechnical assessments in remediation projects
D: Contaminated sediments – risk assessments and remediation
- Investigation of contaminated sediments
- Risk assessments of contaminated sediments
- Remediation of contaminated sediments
- Differences in practices and implementation between the Nordic countries?
- Fresh or saltwater
E: Surface water – interaction from soil, sediment and groundwater
- Adverse effects on groundwater and surface water quality)
- Multiple stressors
- Ecological effects of contamination
F: Sustainability
- Sustainability in remediation
- Sustainable assessment tools
- Soils and soil microbe role in ecosystem services
- Good enough, acceptable risks regarding health and environment without overdoing it…
G: Reuse / Recycling
- Physical planning and contaminated land management (zoning)
- How to manage a surplus of excavated soil (contaminated soil management)
- Reuse of contaminated soil and other waste
H: Management
- Public communication
- Stakeholder engagement
- Digitalization in contaminated land management (databases, public access)
- Smart regulatory (permit, etc.) approaches to CLM (Contaminated Land Management)
I: Innovative monitoring
- Flux Measurements and determination
- Drones and camera – characterization of contaminant, surface waters, soil etc.
- Phytoscreening
- Geophysical characterization of contaminant distribution. Stable isotope techniques
- Molecular biology techniques
J: Indoor air – investigation, risk and remediation
- Investigation and remediation
- Risk assessments
- Radon
Special contaminants in combination with topics A – J:
PFOS / PFAS; Chlorinated solvents; Pesticides; Heavy metals; BTEX / hydrocarbon; Tar/PAH; Microplastics; Nanoparticles.
Short course
On September 3 a short course/workshop can be arranged in connection with the conference. Suggestions for theme or topics are most welcome.