Thank you to all the participants and speakers of NORDROCS 2024, whose participation made it a great event. The conference was held from the 9th to the 12th of September 2024 in the beautiful city of Uppsala. Planning for NORDROCS 2026 has already begun, and we look forward to seeing you all again, along with many new participants, in Finland.

NORDROCS is a joint conference organized by the organizations Nätverket Renare Mark Sweden, MUTKU Finland, ATV Jord og Grunnvann Denmark, Miljøringen Norway and this year we also have company in the organizing committee from Iceland. The conference aims to share knowledge and foster new relationships between professionals within the field of contaminated sites in the Nordic countries and Europe. The conference attracts among other researchers, consultants, contractors, laboratories as well as representants from governmental organizations and regulating authorities. We are happy to announce our distinguished keynote speakers, and that we have an exciting programme for the conference ready now!

The prelminary program is now set. Everyone who sent in an abstract should have been informed by email if the abstract is accepted or not. Please contact if you have not recieved an email.
The registration for participants is now open! 2024-09-19

The registration for sponsors and exhibitors is now open! 2024-02-09
We have added new key note speakers! 2023-11-10
Announcing the final call for abstracts 2023-11-10 NORDROCS is announcing our key note speakers and the second call for abstracts– 2023-09-28
NORDROCS is announcing the first call for abstracts – 2023-06-13
Nordrocs 2024 is inviting you to Uppsala, Sweden. We are extra excited that Iceland is now a part of the organizing committee and we hope to also meet participants from Iceland at this NORDROCS – 2023-03-01