Would you like your company name to be displayed on this web page and on the conference material? We now invite organisations to sponsor the conference. All sponsor logotypes will be presented at the conference screens, as well as in the program and on this homepage. The sponsor fee is 1200 €.
The fee for exhibition space is 1000 €. Included in the price are one desk (2 options), 2 stools, carpet, electricity and conference fee. Size of the space is 3 x 2 m. Wireless internet will also be available to all. The exhibition area is at the location for coffee breaks and other social activities, bringing maximum exposure to your publicity material.
Sponsoring + exhibition
New for this year is that we offer a reduced price for organisations who wish to both sponsor the conference and have a exhibition stand. The price is 2 000 Euro, and this also includes the conference fee, mentioned above, for one person.
Have a look at the exhibition area: NORDROCS 2016 Exhibition floor plan.
In order to book exhibition space the exhibitor is requested to complete the on-line reservation form and indicate the preferred stand location and stand space on the form:
Click here to register for sponsorship or exhibition!
If you have registered for the exhibition, click here to register as a free participant!
After the receipt of the reservation, the local congress secretariat will send a confirmation letter with an invoice.
All reservations will be handled on a “first come – first served basis”.
The organizing committee reserves the right to rearrange the exhibition if necessary and takes no responsibility for any inconvenience which this may cause.
The options for the desks:

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